
Sergey Nikoyan
1 min readOct 12, 2022


The Net has come a long way. It’s infiltrated the smallest spheres of our life. However, it was created for people to communicate in the first place. Communcation between people creates a society, although the Internet is a very specific one, a whole different universe I’d say. And cyber-bullying I consider the least important, wothless even. You see, 99.9% of people in the Net are strangers to you. They can’t and shold not make you feel bad or offended, especially when it’s some NoobMaster69 with a puppy on his profile photo. You should not care, this may not even be a real person. That’s the problem of having so much freedom and anonymity — no one’s responsible for anything they do or say. Unfortunately, I believe, the only way to prevent such behavior is to get rid of the anonimity, so that people wouldn’t see NoobMaster69’s offensive messages but John Martin’s. As this anononimity gives spring to bravery and hatred. While representing yourself and knowing who you’re really talking to, supresses their eagerness as it becomes like a real life. Thus a punishment in this case should be like in a real life.
If speak about cyber-bullying coming from people we know, then in this case it probably starts in the real life. Peers bully one of theirs in the school, and then continue it at home. So this has nothing to do with cyber-bullying. as the source of it is not in the Net.



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