Heeey, first studying week summary

Sergey Nikoyan
1 min readSep 16, 2020

So, the first week has passed, and I have something on my mind. First of all, I can’t help to say few words about our teachers. They always play one of the main roles in the whole education process, and it’s important for me personally to have a good teacher. During my school life I had 8 different teachers of English language, so I think I am pretty much qualified ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
So, what I am saying is, I am sincerely glad to have such great, friendly teachers as Ms. B and Ms. Kate. I mean it. Thank you for that cozy atmosphere.

Secondly, we started to explore transcription deeply. And I found myself saying a lot of words a bit incorrect (will never forget [eI]). Partly because I used to speak British English. Hope it will get better, I will try to do my best.

Thirdly, not sure about this one, it may be just autosguggestion, but I think I got better in understanding songs’ lyrics. I mean, sometimes I just could confuse two different words that sounded the same. Now, I think it’s a bit clearer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Generally, I’ve learned lots of new words, some small details of language, and I think I just dived into all this English atmosphere, where I discover something new everyday.

I guess, that’s about it. That were my thoughts about all things going on, thank you for attention. Stay tuned ;)

