Highs and lows

Sergey Nikoyan
2 min readOct 18, 2020

Hi. So, today I want to share some bright and a bit less bright moments of the two last weeks. I’d already said about it in one of my stories, but it still hard for me to remember things. I don’t know, why, it just works like this


Let’s start with highs. I think the main high moment happened on Friday, because Anna and I were presenting our dialog from “North”. First of all, it was kind of a challenge for me personally, because, there were quite a lot lines I had to learn. And secondly, what was harder and more important is trying to imitate Bruce Willis’s speed of talking. Well, at general I did good, I guess, guys said it all was pretty natural. Nevertheless, high speed of talking caused some mistakes in pronounciation, on which I have to work hard. But anyway it was great experience, which, I hope, will help me to get better in future.

Also last Thursday we had our first seminar on the history. It was not really what I had expected, because there were four groups in one room, so not everyone had a chance to speak and it was stuffy. Still, it all went smooth, and our teacher, who, by the way, is good at telling and speaking, reminds me of Keanu Reeves, because they look pretty much similarly x)

I can’t say there were lows LOWS, like, awful things happened, of course not. The only thing a bit unpleasant happened to me is that I found out I will have to visit PE classes, even though I have a doctor’s note. Some may say something like “oh, come on, fresh air, walks, they are healthful”. Won’t argue with that. But it usually takes about 2 hours, while I sometimes don’t even have enough time to finish my homework. So, I’d be glad to go home and to do some more useful things. But, who asked me? “You’re dealt the hand and you’re stuck with it”

Thanks for reading, stay tuned ;)

