Introducing Pepes

Sergey Nikoyan
2 min readNov 5, 2020


Hi there. Today I am going to tell you about my not very big family. Let’s start.

So, the first people I want to tell about are my grandparents. Grandpa Joil and grandma Ruth. They are on my mother’s side. These are people who had a huge impact on me, especially grandpa Joil. I spent much of my childhood with them. Granny always teached me to do a lot of things like reading, counting and even to do some household chores. While grandpa was telling me all he knew about movies, its creation and all that. He is the man who gave me the love of films. We spent hours watching his collection of movie cassettes. Grandpa worked as a stage assistant, so he knows things, and listening to all these secrets of cinematography was breathtaking. Guys are great, I love and appreciate them a lot for all they’d done for me. We all live pretty close to each other, so we usually gather on weekends.

Unfortunately, I can’t say a lot about my grandpa Felix and grandma Zoe on father’s side, since we don’t see each other too often. You see, before my folks met, father’s family were living in Michigun, and grandparents stayed there, when dad decided to move to New York. They alwasys were very busy people, and they still are, so that’s why we don’t spend much time together. But anyway, they are great people who always can help with any problem and support.

Now, about my own folks. My mother’s name is Laura, and my father’s Rick. They met each other in 1994 in the New York subway. It was such a random meeting. At that time dad had just graduated from his university as an IT-specialist, and had arrived to the city to work here, while mom was born in New York and lived here her whole life. They both were 25. They caught each other’s eye in the crowd and fell in love at first side. Long story short, they got married the next year x) And not long after the marriage mom got pregnant guess with who. Recently they were celebrating 25th marriage anniversary. I am happy to have them, happy to have people I can always rely on whatever happens.

I guess, my folks continued that sort of tradition of their parents to have only only one child. And it’s ok. Probably wouldn’t mind of having a brother or at least a cousin back in the childhood, though I never felt bored or something. Still, I think it’s cool to have someone with whom you can share things you wouldn’t share with parents. Meh, hard topic, I am not complaining.

Of course, there are much more things a could tell, but this one is already long enough, maybe, next time. Thank you for attention, byyyye.



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