Let’s get to know each other!

Sergey Nikoyan
2 min readSep 28, 2020


Hi, my name is John Pepe! And I am going to say a few words about myself in this blog. I am 25 years old, and from New York. Since around 8th grade I wanted to become a teacher. After graduating from 4th grade, we got a new teacher of English language — Ms. Rose. And I was amazed by her way of teaching, she managed to change my opinion and my attitude to English at all. I actually hated English language as a subject, because I just was awful at it. I couldn’t get it, you know, it’s like when you think that some people have abilities for something, and you are the one who doesn’t have. But I was wrong, fortunately. I significantly stepped up my English level starting from 5th grade till 11th. And so, look at me now — I’d graduated from Oxford, and have already worked as a teacher for 3 years, which gave me priceless expirience in working with children. But now things’ve changed a bit due to pandemia, and I work as a tutor from home, usually online. Still, from time to time students come to my house if there are some problems with computer or some kind of that. By the way, if you are looking for a good tutor for youself or for your kid, feel free to call me — 8 800 555 35 35. Or come to my place — 1337, st. Pushkina, subway Kolotushkina.

Aaaand, if you are not looking for any tutor but a person to speak to, freind, or even someone else ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) feel free to contact as well. There are lots of places to visit. I usually walk in Central Park. Fresh air, sunny weather and a cozy conversation=❤ I am also fond of ALL new films and series that come out. Trying to watch everything that fresh released, doesn’t really matter what it is exactly, just enjoy watching.

Don’t know what else to say. Yeah, I guess that’s not much, but anyway if you want to meet me and know something else, you know what to do. Goooodbye!



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