My favorite things in movies
To tell the truth, I love movies. And not just to watch them, while eating pop-corn. I enjoy watching those old videos on Youtube about how a certain movie was made, so-called “movies about movies”. How they did various scenes, how the auditions went, the actors thoughts and so on.
If we speak about some certain things I like about movies, there are several of them. First of all, for me personally it’s easier to remember some story through vizualization, so if there’s a screen adaptation of some book, I would rather wacth the movie. I know that in books there are more detailes, the plot may undergo some changes in the process of film making, but still I love that movies bring stories to reality, so to say. The next thing springs from the first one, and it’s the fact that cinematography lets us see our favorite characters on big screens. It does bring me joy when the character I used to see only on pictures gets their visual realization. For me it’s like a feeling that this character gets recognition, because I see that there are people who love them as much as I do, and now we share it with people all around the world. The last thing is rather complex as it includes basically the whole industry. You see, when watch a movie I constantly think of how it was made, about the things that I mentioned above. This is the “magic” of cinematography — the ability to make the audience immerse into the story, make it as plausable as possible. When I see that, when it’s crystal clear how hard people worked on their piece, I do admire them. It’s not just about the actors, the director or some cartain person, but the whole crew, even “smallest” member, like the guy who brings coffee. They all are professionals, and it’s true pleasure to watch their films, and watch them work.