Past week update

Sergey Nikoyan
1 min readSep 27, 2020


So, that week was pretty productive, I think. We did a lot of speaking exercises, like speech about stereotypes, reading a passage from the book, dialogs, and we even sang a song about states of the USA! I think it was great practice and expirience. And I think I managed to get a bit better in phonetics, because second try of writting the test was more successful comparing to the first one.
I also got used to my personal daily schedule, to the fact that riding back and forth takes a while, and, at general, to all new minor changes in my routine. I actually don’t really remember all things that happened. But I guess, that’s exactly due to me getting used to all.
Oh, yes, we had our first practice class of Latin language. It seems to be pretty easy. So, I don’t think we will have any troubles with it, I even think it will help us understand English itself better. Like origins of the words, history and so on.
Uuumm, can’t remember anything else extremely special, just studying and learning, I guess. Anyway, got homework to do, I better continue doing it. Thanks for reading, see you around ;)



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