Some new things to learn!
Hello everyone. Today I will share some quotes and new words I’ve learned during reading “The Great Gatsby” by Francis Scott Fitzgerald.
“As for me, I am fifty years old, and I won’t impose myself on you any longer” ©Meyer Wolfshiem Meyer said that when he was leaving Gatsby and Nick at the restaurant where they were having lunch. It was not very clear if Nick had said anything offensive to him, but I liked the way Meyer said it with such sarcasm and cynicism. I think that Meyer just felt that he should not be there, because he just was feeling a bit uncomfortable and awkward, probably. But anyway, if you ever find yourself in a company in which you were not supposed to be, you know what to say ;)
“Thet’re such beautiful shirts. It makes me sad because I’ve never seen such — such beautiful shirts befor” ©Daisy Buchanan
Seems to be a common phrase, nothing special. But I think that it shows how love affects man. Daisy is feeling incredibly happy, she’s met Gatsby, and fell in love with him all over again. And even such simple thing as nice shirt made her cry. That’s why they say love is the best experience you can ever have.
Also there are some new words, thier transcription and their meaning in Russian;
A Resourcefulness [rɪ’sɚsfəlnɪs] решительность
To Inquire [ɪn’kwaɪɚ] спрашивать/интересоваться
Solemnly [‘sɑləmli] очень серьезно, без юмора
“I’ll tell you God’s truth” [aɪl tɛll yu gɑds truθ] скажу все как есть
That was all for today. Thanks for reading. Stay tuned.