The 2nd PR session
Hello, everyone. Today I will share some new words with you from “The Fault In Our Stars” by John Green. And also, I will ask Hazel some questions. She, obviously, can’t answer them, but if you have any thoughts, feel free to share them :)
Here are the words:
- A layperson [ˈleɪpɚsən] — обыватель/непрофессионал
- Jet lag [ˈdʒɛt læɡ] — смена часовых поясов
- To cuddle [ˈkədəl] — прижаться/нежно обнять
- Intimately [ˈɪnt̬əmətli] — тесно (знаком, связан)
And my questions:
Hazel, if you had a chance to write a sequel for the AIA, would you write it, or would you prefer Peter Van Houten to write it?
I didn’t quite catch it, why did you sell the swing set? I know, it was broken, but you should’ve repair it, it would not only bring up bright memories of days spent with your father, but would also make new ones with Augustus.
And, of course, I’d like to know more about your childhood.
That was all I had today for you. Thank you for reading. Stay tuned ;)