The Fault in Our Stars
Hello, everyone. I started to read The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, and today I want to share how I find the book so far. There are also some new words.
Well, I chose to read this book, because two other books have their screen versions, which I’ve already seen. And I’ve never heard about The Fault in Our Stars, so I simply decided to read something new. I didn’t search any info about the book on purpose, because, why? It’s more intriguing and more interesting to read this way.
As for my opinion about the book, I do enjoy it. Firstly, it is WAY MUCH EASIER to read, than previous one, The Great Gatsby. The language is clear and understandable. This is because it is by modern author. Actually, it’s a bit unusual for me to read modern prose. Secondly, I like characters, their background stories, and their development. Thirdly, it’s quite an experience to go through the plot from a perspective of such a bit cynical and ironical person as Hazel. In addition, there is an American slang, which sounds a bit funny sometimes, if you try to translate it in Russian.
And new words:
To shrug [ʃ’rəg] — пожимать плечами
Awesomesauce [‘asəmsɑs] — (сленг) очень круто/офигительно
Riding shotgun [raɪdɪŋ ‘ʃɑtgən] — (амер.) ехать на переднем пассажирском месте
To kill one’s vibe [kɪl wəns ‘vaɪb] — портить настрой
The book has good vibes, I am looking forward to reading it further.
That was all I had today for you. Thank you for reading. Stay tuned ;)